longevity Tag

  Energized Dad after 50: Fatherhood after 50, Revitalizing Health Through Stem Cell Therapy, plus Health & Fitness!         ...

Step into Healthier Living through the Science of Grounding - Earth Energy!!           ...

  Child #4 at 50! Loving Life and Changing the World thru Wellness!         ...

  The Healing Power of Intuition and Nutrition.  Transforming Lives Through Gut Health!         ...

  Great Smile for Great Health! Brushing Up on Dental Hygiene!         ...

  Osteoporosis, it's Not just for Women anymore! Instead, Get Fantastic Bones After 50!!!         ...

 Exploring the Hidden Dangers of Prescription Drugs. A Personal Odyssey of Side Effects and Alternative Treatments         ...

The Best Approach to Health by Top Cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson. Beyond the Traditional Boundaries!         ...

 Brownies for Breakfast! How to overcome Diabetes and other Chronic Diseases. Better yet, Never Have Chronic Disease!         ...

 Enhancing Health and Quality of Life with Nutrition, Exercise, and the Faster Way to Fat Loss Program         ...

Boosting Health After 50: The Power of Hydrogen Water, Clean Eating, and Optimal Nutrition!                ...

Qigong for Health, Happiness, and Peace of Mind. with Master Mingtong Gu     ...

First competitive bike race at 80.  Won medals at 100!  Life is Wondrous!!      ...

Epigenetics. Your On-Off Switch to a Long, Healthy Life! with David Krantz          ...

C60-Buckyballs can double lifespan!!  Well, at least double the lifespan of rats!!    with Chris Burres            ...