Doctors Tag

Step into Healthier Living through the Science of Grounding - Earth Energy!!           ...

  Child #4 at 50! Loving Life and Changing the World thru Wellness!         ...

  Great Smile for Great Health! Brushing Up on Dental Hygiene!         ...

  Osteoporosis, it's Not just for Women anymore! Instead, Get Fantastic Bones After 50!!!         ...

The Best Approach to Health by Top Cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson. Beyond the Traditional Boundaries!         ...

Pain Free Living! A Deep Dive into Breathing Mechanics, Muscle Training, and Nervous System Training           ...

 Joyful Living, Massive Healing. Your Thoughts and Energy can Heal both Body and Soul!               ...

Thyroid, Pituitary, Hashimoto's. What the Health?  Are You Tired, Overweight and a bit Depressed?                          ...

Stem Cells for Healing!   Stem cells for The Fountain of Youth!          ...

Heavy Heart Surgeon lost 100 lbs and Got Healthy. Now You Can Too!    ...

Can Fasting Cure Cancer, Type-2 Diabetes, Tumors, Tinnitus, Lymphoma, High Blood Pressure and More?    Find Out !! with Dr. Alan Goldhamer      ...

Your Health Can Improve! Chronic Disease Can Disappear! The “Unfixable” Can Often be Fixed!       with Dr. Ron Hunninghake     ...

Lower Blood Pressure without Drugs!  Fall Asleep Quickly, no Meds!       with Dr. Benjamin Gavish     ...

Healthy and Happy, to Living in Misery with Multiple Sclerosis, to Healthy And Happy Again!        ...

The Power of Cleansing, Fasting, and Avoiding Toxins for Great Health!  with Dr. Edward Group!        ...

Have a Better Body, Brain, and Live a Stress Free Life! with Dr. Mithu Storoni          ...

Your Diet may Prevent Diabetes, Cancer, Cardio-vascular Disease, and Catching the Flu!    with Dr. Robert Breakey       ...

I've Operated on Thousands of Heart Patients, but each one I've told how to "Never See Me Again!"   with Dr. Joel Kahn        ...

Vegan! The NO EXERCISE weight loss program! Part 2 of 2 with Dr. Allan Kalmus            ...

Vegan! The NO EXERCISE weight loss program! Part 1 of 2 with Dr. Allan Kalmus            ...

Singles: Ghosted and Breadcrumbed.     Couples: Getting Our Marriage Back on Track. With Dr. Marni Feuerman          ...

Fast-5. A Better Way to Eat. Or rather, Not Eat. With Dr. Bert Herring, MD    ...

Sugar! (Beer for babies), Sugar! (Diabetes), Sugar! (Disease), Sugar! With guest Dr. Robert Lustig    ...

Essential Oil Uses and Benefits with Dr. Z                                         ...

Good Food:  Bad Food.  Discussion with Joel Fuhrman M.D.                        ...

Fit Father Project.  Stay Fit and Healthy at Any Age,  with Dr. Anthony Balduzzi.                        ...

Story Musgrave, Astronaut.   Father Again at Age 72!!                                      ...