18 Sep Pamela Popper, PhD, N.D.
Posted at 06:52h
in Podcast
Take a Pill or Eat an Apple? Food Over Medicine, with Pamela A. Popper, Ph. D., N.D. …
Pamela A. Popper, Ph. D., N.D. – Health and Nutrition expert –
Pam Popper is a naturopath, nutritionist and the founder of Wellness Forum Health. She wrote several books, the latest being Food Over Medicine: The Conversation That Can Save Your Life which quickly became a best seller. Dr. Popper is recognized internationally as an expert on health and nutrition!
You can learn more about Pam, her books and her health and nutrition website at WellnessForumHealth.com.
Pam’s personal website is: DrPamPopper.com.