28 Aug Dionne Blaha
A Cure for Scoliosis? Maybe not a Cure, but Close! …
Dionne Blaha – Health – Scoliosis –
Dionne Blaha was diagnosed with scoliosis at the age of 15. She lived with the disorder for over 30 years as it slowly worsened. After turning 50, her chronic pain increased rapidly to the point she was in pain almost all day long. Fortunately, she came across a non-surgical solution. Dionne’s story is one of encouragement and hope because many times we can heal ourselves in a way most people do not think is possible. But to find healing, we must take charge of our own lives and our own health!
You can learn more about Dionne, her books and other interests at www.DionneBlaha.com.
Dionne’s Scoliosis Treatment Support Group can be found by clicking here: DSTSG.