Dr. Dave Currie

Dr. Dave Currie

Good Marriage, Bad Marriage. Great Ideas to Make Both Great! with Dr. David Currie    

Dr. David Currie – Marriage and Relationship expert –

Dr. David Currie has inspired people to improve their marriage and family for over 40 years. He’s the founder and president of Doing Family Right, an organization to help people with their most important relationships.

A lot of people do family wrong, so Dr. Dave created a website and resources to do family right! Today Dr. Dave discusses some of the Best practices in marriage and family that yield strong relationships that last a lifetime.



From Doing Family Right website:

Dr. Dave Currie: Founder & President of DFR, Senior Counsellor at the DFR Care Centre

Job Description:

Pursue with passion the call God has placed on my life.
Cast the vision for seeing lives and marriages transformed by the difference Jesus makes.
Lead a great team and get out of their way letting them blow the doors off this ministry.
Teach, write, coach and counsel on having a marriage and family based on God’s blueprint.
Love my wife and family well!

Family Info:

Dr. Dave has been married to his high school sweetheart for 44 years. Together they have 4 great and impacting kids who all married so well—quality and crazy people, and 13 grandchildren who will rival the best in the world!

Personal Interests:

EXTREME involvement in life.
Hockey, ball, golf, fitness, marathons, tough mudders and any other competition you want to start.
Sports Center and my hockey pool fill in some of the gaps.
My wife and kids are my favourite hobby.
I love Jesus.

Thoughts on DFR:

I so deeply enjoy those moments in people’s lives when God turns the light on as His truths about life and marriage sink in. I love knowing that every day of the year now through DFR, 100s of people are being touched by the non-negotiable difference that Jesus makes in a life and a home. I pray that the impact will increase 10-fold! I have no greater joy than seeing life transformation.

Contact Dr. Dave: drdave@doingfamilyright.com




You can learn more about Dr. Dave and Doing Family Right by visiting: DoingFamilyRight.com.

