Dr. Christopher Gardner, PhD

Dr. Christopher Gardner, PhD

Low Fat or Low Carb, which is Best? Which is Worse? BOTH!! with Dr. Christopher Gardner, Professor of Nutrition at Stanford University           

Dr. Christopher Gardner, PhD Health / Nutrition –

Christopher Gardner, professor of Nutrition at Stanford University, has conducted multiple Human behavior studies.

One was a weight loss study of popular diets like Adkins, Zone, and Ornish, compared to a health professionals diet. The result, some people lost 50 pounds while others gained 10. On the same diet! Wanting to know why one diet works well for some, but not for others, he ran another study in search of the answer.




From the Stanford website:

Christopher Gardner, PhD Director of Nutrition Studies at Stanford Prevention Research Center

For the past 20 years most of my research has been focused on investigating the potential health benefits of various dietary components or food patterns, which have been explored in the context of randomized controlled trials in free-living adult populations. Some of the interventions have involved vegetarian diets, soy foods and soy food components, garlic, omega-3 fats/fish oil/flax oil, antioxidants, Ginkgo biloba, and popular weight loss diets. These trials have ranged in duration from 8 weeks to a year, with study outcomes that have included weight, blood lipids and lipoproteins, inflammatory markers, glucose, insulin, blood pressure and body composition. Most of these trials have been NIH-funded. The most recent of these was an NIH funded weight loss diet study – DIETFITS (Diet Intervention Examining The Factors Interacting with Treatment Success) that involved randomizing 609 generally healthy, overweight/obese adults for one year to either a Healthy Low-Fat or a Healthy Low-Carb diet. The main findings were published in JAMA in 2018, and many secondary and exploratory analyses are in progress testing and generating follow-up hypotheses.

To see more click … ChristopherGardnerStanford.



Below are links to resources Christopher mentioned:  

 Twitter: @gardnerphd

Stanford Nutrition website:  Nutrition.Stanford.edu
Berkley Wellness Letter:  BerkeleyWellness.com
Center for Science in the Public Interest Nutrition Action Letter:  cspinet.org/Nutrition-Action-Healthletter
The Havard School of Public Health has the Nutrition Matters newsletter:   hsph.harvard.edu/NutritionSource

Marion Nestle does a daily food blog, her website is:  FoodPolitics.com
David Katz’s website is:  DavidKatzMD.com



